Remove Carbon Now

walk it back is a $1M 4,000 km humdinger of a carbon-removal gambit. Get on board and help accelerate the next frontier of climate transformation

What is Carbon Removal?

Carbon removal is the act of actively sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere. From nature-based solutions to cutting-edge tech, these projects are the opposite of emissions. They need scaling up and fast for humanity to have any hope of hanging onto a stable climate.

Humanity has emitted hundreds of gigatons of CO₂. All of it is still up there. We have to put less CO2 up, but we also have to get that historic carbon back down.

Remove carbon now

We can all help scale carbon removal projects and technologies. Whether it’s £1 per day that Craig walks, £1 per kilometer, or a lump sum to fund the removal of one tonne of historic emissions, please chip in.

£153 – £1 per day of the walk£4,000 – £1 per km of the walk

Pick your own project to support

Alternatively browse the projects in the walk it back/Patch portfolio to take your pick of the best vetted ways that exist right now to get historic carbon out of the atmosphere. You can choose exactly which project to support, from carbon-sequestering kelp farms, forests and no-dig regenerative agriculture projects to concrete injection and bio-oil underground wells, and how much carbon you want to pay to remove.

Types of carbon removal

Enhanced Weathering

Enhanced weathering

distributing finely-ground rocks that accelerate the natural chemical reaction between water, rocks and air to store atmospheric CO2 as solid carbonate minerals or ocean alkalinity.

Concrete Injection

Concrete injection

atmospheric CO2 injected into concrete, then mineralised and permanently fixed in concrete.

Biomass Burial

Biomass Burial

underground, anaerobic tree stores that prevent decomposition to create long-term carbon sinks.

Regenerative Agriculture

Soil Carbon Regenerative Agriculture

no-dig and biodynamic farms that are storing carbon in the soil as part of the circular food-growing nutrient cycle.

Direct Air Capture

Direct Air Capture

atmospheric CO2 chemically bound, caught and stored.

Soil Amendment

Soil Amendment

the use of natural materials to improve overused or overfertilised soil and prevent its natural carbon contents from oxidising – reducing emissions and increasing yield.



an agent used in soil amendment to improve soil quality, biochar is produced by baking waste agricultural crops into a stable carbon compound. This prevents these plants from releasing the CO2 they absorb in photosynthesis through decomposition.

Bio Oil

Bio Oil

converting agricultural waste into bio-oil, which is then pumped underground to solidify in huge storage wells.



planting genetically enhanced trees that capture up to 150% more CO2 per acre on abandoned, underperforming timberland.


Kelp Farming (Atlantic Ocean)

kelp sequesters carbon through photosynthesis – on maturity the seaweed is dropped over 1km underwater so carbon release on decay is trapped at the seafloor at immense pressures.