Stage One Impact

Craig Cohon walked 4,250km from London to Istanbul.  Watch our film below to find out what happened and what impact walk it back has had so far.

Join us for the next phase of the journey.  Walk it Back has convened a Coalition of the Willing – a diverse group of carbon removal champions including city leaders, policy makers, CEOs of businesses, experts, academics and activists – who are all committed to driving forward this critical issue.

Read the statement and add your name

Graph KM to walk versus CO2

4250 kilometres walked since January 3, 2023


Brennan Spellacy

Co-founder and CEO, Patch.

Raising awareness


Helping cities see the untapped opportunity of carbon removal in meeting their net zero ambitions.


Galvanizing a small group of companies to match Craig’s commitment to accelerate the scaling of carbon removal projects.


Switching thousands of people onto the need for carbon removal, and inspiring those that can, to take action.